This is really scary. Watch it, tweet it, post it, blog it, tell your friends….Make it public!!!!
Summer is over!!!
Waking up this morning, looking what´s new on TPB and I suddenly recognized, Summer is over!!! New US TV Show seasons have started. Fall is there, it´s getting darker and colder outside, families go back inside, to cuddle infront of the TV. 8th season of Two and a half men, doesn´t sound bad. Followed by […]
Nescafé Dulce Gusto Nestle Nesquik Hot Chocolate Test
Just a quick update. Made two little movies this morning of a Dulce Gusto with my iPhone 4. Now i am uploading over Wifi and hope it will Be in HD. Anyway, it’s just a small demonstration. And here ist the Nesquik Test Nescafé Dulce Gusto Nestle Nesquik Hot Chocolate Test
D-Link DNS 323 unboxing
Unboxing video of the D-Link DNS 323 NAS. It´s my first NAS and I am quite excited how the performance will be.
Wuuuuhuuuu 100.000 !!!! YouTubes views !!!!
I just saw it. I have 100.000 views on YouTube!!! Amazing, great, magical, fantastic, awesome. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH.
New Twitter
He, finally. Twitter will become an update. Looks nice. No more Twitter Clients an you Mac or PC. Looks a little bit like Tweetdeck. Nice video, too.
Ordering a new toy
I have 4 different external USB Harddrives. One 2 TB Western Digital for all my HD Movies. A 1.5 TB Samsung for all my TV Shows. Another 1 TB Samsung for Time Machine and a small and old 2.5 60 Gb Samsung for other mobile stuff. All HDDs are full now, and there are already […]
Apple iPod Nano Ad
I really like the new Apple iPod Nano Ad. The song is by CAKE and is called „Short Skirt Long Jacket“.
iPod Nano and AppleTV ordered
I have just ordered an iPod Nano and an AppleTV. Maybe I´ve made a mistake by ordering them together, because now the delivery date is set to early October. But that can´t be, because the iPod Nano has just a waiting time between 7 and 10 days. I should give Apple a call if I […]
iPhone 4 HD Video Test
I have totally forgotten about my iPhone 4 HD Video Test. On my last tour out into the woods I took same clips with the iPhone 4. While standing still the quality looks really good. But when moving….definitely no stabilization.