„being processed for delivery abroad“ Wuhu, I guess it will leave the UK this night.
Nexus One Order
So after 2 days of heavy thinking and searching around, I finally decided to buy a Nexus One. But why, why Google, why do you just sell it in the US, UK, Malaysia and Honk Kong??? So there were different ways to go for me. 1. Buy it online on the google site via a […]
Bye Bye iPhone
After 14 month of happy iPhone time it is time for something new. Don´t get me wrong, I love my iPhone 3G. It was the best phone I´ve ever had. On eBay Germany I got 400 Euros for it. I think this is still a nice price. When I bought it on eBay Italy in […]
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Everybody
Hello WordPressworld!
So I have switched from blooger.com to WordPress.com. Looks good. Easy import of all my posts from blooger.com. Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!
Acer Timeline 3810TGZ first look
I now have the Acer Timeline 3810TGZ for 4 days and I am sooooo happy. First of all it is true. The battery lasts really that long. 8hrs with display on low and wlan on is possible. That is so cool. And that even with the SU4100 CPU which is some kind of a Pentium […]
Neuer Metroprospekt
Endlich mal wieder ein Metroprospekt.
Acer Revo unpacking
Finally I have come to upload the first video of my Acer Revo. First of all I really like it. It works as planed. More Videos are coming.
Google Wave „started“
Today Google has „started“ Wave. A lot of people who have registered for the beta test have gotten invitations today. I did not get an email from google, so I tried to get an invitation over twitter. Man, it sucks to pm so many people and begging them. I hope one of them will send […]
Acer Revo in my hometown
So, the German Custom has finally sent the Revo to the Custom office in my town. So on Mondy, wuhu. Let´s try the Acer Revo out.